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Click Play on the video to learn about the Master’s Program

Are you stiff, tight or have limited motion in one or more joints or body areas? The Master’s Program might be for you. If your Golf Performance Evaluation reveals moderate to significant tightness and range of motion restrictions, you might need manual therapy to help you improve your motion quickly in a way that lasts a long time. Hence, the Master’s Program.

The Master’s Program is customized for you and is very structured to ensure substantial improvement. A golfer on the Master’s Program might see a Body Balance for Performance trainer each week for manual therapy, muscle retraining, functional movement training, and home exercise instruction. This program is ideal for the golfer who wants to make considerable changes to their body in a relatively short period of time. It will require the golfer to perform exercises several days a week for 20-30 minutes or more as well as at least one training session per week.

This program provides a golfer with improvement in mobility restrictions, posture imbalances, and functional deficits. Golfers report that it also helps them get rid of many of the aches and pains that golfers experience. It is our highest level and most sought after program in our offerings. It also provides for the greatest improvement in the tight golfer.